Does Google Play have account weight issues? Are developer accounts in the United States easier to pass review?

This is Gogplay. Since November 2023, almost 80% of matrix developers have fallen. Since then, Google’s strictest developer policy has been launched, so someone asked Dunang: Is it easier for developer accounts in foreign countries (the United States) to pass review than those in China and Hong Kong? Developer accounts in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, India, Brazil and other regions are blocked as soon as they are submitted, or not long after they are submitted.

Are these remarks true? Do American accounts really have higher weight than Chinese accounts?

Because of these “wind direction” views in some circles, many people began to turn to American corporate developers this year. Some spent thousands to buy a U.S. company account with pitfalls, and some worked hard to build a U.S. account matrix. of. Dunang will answer these questions one by one below.

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Does Google Play have account weight issues? Are developer accounts in the United States easier to pass review?


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