Google developer account registration verification identity failure reason, google play identity verification is not through what problem caused

Here is [GogPlay Developer], we all know that in June 2021 when the new registration of Google developer account will need to be verified (Google Authentication), guys you think as long as in [2022 the latest google play developer registration tutorial] after registration and payment of 25 knife fee, a developer account even if the registration is successful?

Maybe two years ago is basically this, but in 2022 today, I’m afraid it’s not so. But any partner who has pro-used GP business for more than six months should know how dangerous Google is.

Today we focus on the reasons and problems in which the GP developer identity verification failed (the following is the paid hidden part, you can view the page with the help of translation of other language information), google play developer registration verification failed, there is no opportunity to re-verify, can the developer account be closed to refund the 25 knife registration fee? We will answer all the above questions for you in the following section.

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Special Note! The value of the fee is to expand the ideas and answer the questions marked in the article, and does not have any guarantee for the effectiveness of the operation of the buyer; virtual products, do not accept any refunds, if you do not agree to the above terms, please be sure not to register to buy, once purchased, the default agreement to all of the above terms.

¡Aviso! El propósito de la compra es expandir tu mente y responder las preguntas marcadas en el texto. No hay garantía de que las acciones del comprador tengan el mismo efecto; productos virtuales, que no se pueden reembolsar después de la compra. Si no está de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones anteriores, no se registre para comprar.


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