Google play app blocked, will Google developer app deletion affect account security and stability?

This is, apps under google play developer account are blocked and account blocking can be a daily encounter for senior developers. Today we will talk about whether the stability and security of a developer account will be affected if an app under a google play account is blocked.

In the case of a google play developer account, if an app is blocked, it is most likely due to a violation of the google play developer program policies and developer distribution agreements, which are very broadly stated and generally do not give specific reasons.

If we want to check why an app has been blocked, we can only do so against our own violations – after all, only we know best where the problem might lie. Here is an example

We have two different apps under our account, one of which has been suspended by Google, while the other is normal. Generally speaking, the blocking (removal) of the app under the account does not affect the actual security and stability of the account, and the developer account can continue to be used as long as the normal app remains legally compliant, as shown in the image below

As more and more developers provoke the policies and rules of the Google play shop, and as Google’s policies and tactics continue to escalate, the marketplace ecosystem will only get worse in the future. This will also implicate other businesses associated with it.

To learn more about Google’s business units, check out our website.



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