Google play Google developers who use the Payoneer virtual account to collect money are refused to enter the account, and the account is suspended due to the refusal to enter the account

When using the Google Play developer business, in order to avoid policies and facilitate payment collection, we usually choose accounts in overseas regions, such as Hong Kong or the United States.

At present, most companies outside of China use virtual card platforms for payment collection, namely Payoneer and Pingpong. With the progress of the global fight against crime and money laundering, the above-mentioned virtual collection platforms will also verify the legitimacy of our Google business field, such as Payoneer All accounts are now required to submit supporting materials to prove a legitimate source of income.

If we do not give timely feedback and verification submission, or our product business does not meet the cooperation specifications of the collection platform, then the payment from Google to us will be rejected (returned) by the platform. At this time, Google will think that our account is risky and abnormal, and will take measures to deal with our account, usually suspending payment and payment information, and will require verification of the card information or bill of the original bound virtual card. At this time, we are in big trouble, and the bill of the virtual card is difficult to be accepted by Google. If the disposal of the account is not resolved, some balances in it will not be available.

After disposing of our account, there will usually be the following prompts:

“Contact us about the status of the payment account”, this prompt requires us to contact Google to make a form appeal;

“Verify your payment information to re-enable your payment profile” This prompt requires us to verify the beneficiary bank account originally bound to the Google account. If the verification of the original card number cannot be provided, the account will no longer be available and the balance will not be able to continue to pay Give us.



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