We may use Google Translation services when using many businesses. Today we will talk about how to create the Google Translation API. Since the Google Translation API has been integrated into Google Cloud Translation, we must first have a normal GCP account (Google Cloud). From 2022, creating a new GCP account may have certain Difficulty, there will be risk control problems such as creating payment method error reporting and interception. Please explore by yourself how to successfully create a Google Cloud account, let’s go back to the topic below.
First, we can check the API key related instructions on Google’s official website, and then come to the API and services page. Click [Create Credentials] – [API Key] as shown below
The API key creation is not complicated, and it can be done in one step, provided that the status of the Google Cloud account and the settlement status are normal, as shown in the following figure
After getting the api key that has been created successfully, can it be used directly? This depends on your account. If your account has been in a normal state and has been using Google Cloud services, you can use this api key directly.
If the previous Google Cloud account has not been used for a long time, or has been suspended before, or the key cannot use the translation function normally. Then you need to re-enable the API function. First, we open the URL https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/setup#api, and click [Enable API] to jump to the API switch page, as shown below.
After coming to the api switch page, confirm the project and click Next, as shown below.
Click the second step, [Enable], as shown in the figure below.
After waiting for 10 seconds, the upper right corner shows that the Google Translate service will start running in a few minutes. As follows
At this point, the entire process of creating and opening the Google Translate api is completed, pay attention! Google Cloud’s translation service is charged per byte. It may cost thousands of RMB to translate a hundred articles at random. The cost of translating English is higher because there are many bytes.
If you want to use the Google Translation api function for free, in addition to applying for a free trial fee of $300, there is also arrears. You can also use the Google Cloud Translation function (as shown above) after the arrears. I will not go into details. Bookmark our site for more Google business information.