Singapore Google Play Developer Verification Issue, Singapore Google In-App Purchase Second Verification

Regarding Singapore developer exclusive account verification, this article will update the 2024 version of Singapore In-App Purchase Developer Verification Issue.

Under the Singapore Payment Services Act, Google must take steps to collect and verify the identity of customers. Google has designed procedures that meet its regulatory requirements while continuing to protect and respect the confidentiality of your personal information.

In order to verify your account, we need additional information about your business that is not required during the registration process.

For more information and how to verify your account information, please visit the form below.

Once we receive all the requested documents, we will contact you within two to three business days.

Although you can still continue to make sales (such as Play apps and in-app sales), you must provide us with the requested information within 45 days to continue to receive payments.

According to regulations, failure to submit the required documents may eventually lead to suspension of payments and sales, as shown in the original text below.

So far, there are still many formal developers who are keen on Singapore developer accounts, and they are still quite worried about this Singapore-exclusive verification issue. Whether it is the compliance of one’s own qualifications, procedures, materials, or the risk issues of the verification process, there are certain unknowns and uncertainties. Below we will share the latest version of the process with subscribers (including whether Singapore shell entities can solve this problem)

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Special Note! The value of the fee is to expand the ideas and answer the questions marked in the article, and does not have any guarantee for the effectiveness of the operation of the buyer; virtual products, do not accept any refunds, if you do not agree to the above terms, please be sure not to register to buy, once purchased, the default agreement to all of the above terms.

¡Aviso! El propósito de la compra es expandir tu mente y responder las preguntas marcadas en el texto. No hay garantía de que las acciones del comprador tengan el mismo efecto; productos virtuales, que no se pueden reembolsar después de la compra. Si no está de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones anteriores, no se registre para comprar.


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