How long does it take to apply for the Google Developer D-U-N-S® Number in 2024, and what is the lowest-cost D-U-N-S® Number application plan?

This is Gogplay, a website that provides Google play expertise

When we first explored the D-U-N-S® Number for Google developers in September last year, we made a detailed D-U-N-S® Number application tutorial for domestic developers. Related article links: Google Play Dun & Bradstreet Coding Application Tutorial, Google Enterprise Developer How to apply for a D-U-N-S® Number. In the early days of last year, the application speed for D-U-N-S® Number in mainland China was very fast, about 10 days (about 7 working days). By the beginning of this year, the delivery time for free application for D-U-N-S® Number in China had been delayed to 30 working days.

The picture language is Chinese

Moreover, the company information required to apply for China D-U-N-S® Number is more cumbersome and complicated than before. In our previous tutorial plan, you only need to provide a corporate authorization letter, and there is no need to submit any other additional information.

Starting this year, China’s D-U-N-S® Number application requires a supplementary [Company Confirmation Letter], and the company name needs to be handwritten, signed and stamped. If any link is missing, it will be rejected.

After continuous revisions and a long wait, it was finally delivered. As shown below.

The picture language is Chinese
The picture language is Chinese

I want to register a Chinese enterprise google play developer account, but I don’t have a company and don’t want to register a company. Is there any simpler or low-cost way to obtain a D-U-N-S® Number?

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How long does it take to apply for the Google Developer D-U-N-S® Number in 2024, and what is the lowest-cost D-U-N-S® Number application plan?


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